There are two types of backup's
1.Logical backup
Exp & Imp
Expdb & Impdb ( Datapump)
2.Physical Backup
Cold Backup
Hot Backup
Physical Backup ( Cold Backup )
Cold Backup:
==>A cold backup is done when there is no user activity going on with the system. Also called as offline
backup, is taken when the database is not running and no users are logged in. all files of the database
are copied and no changes during the copy are made
==>The benefit of taking a cold backup is that it is typically easier to administer the backup
and recovery process. For cold backups the database does not require being in archive log mode and
thus there will be a slight performance gain as the database is not cutting archive logs to disk.
1. Cold backup is offline Backup, and Consistency backup
==>A cold backup is done when there is no user activity going on with the system. Also called as offline
backup, is taken when the database is not running and no users are logged in. all files of the database
are copied and no changes during the copy are made
==>The benefit of taking a cold backup is that it is typically easier to administer the backup
and recovery process. For cold backups the database does not require being in archive log mode and
thus there will be a slight performance gain as the database is not cutting archive logs to disk.
1. Cold backup is offline Backup, and Consistency backup
shutdown Normal
shutdoen transactional
shutdown immediate
Two Different Types of failures
1.Instance Failure
2.Media failure
1) Instance Failure :
Power failure
Shutdown abort
Killing Background Process
** SMON is responsible for performing instance crash recovery during the Next Startup
During the data recovery 2 process are invoked
1.Roll forward process
2.Roll back process
2)Media failure
Block Corruption
Disk Error or Crashed
If we loose Control,Redolog,Data files
During the media recovery 2 process are invoked
1.Restore the previous Cold Backup
2.Recovery --> Apply Archived & redolog files
Recovery Process:
Is categorized into @
1.Complete recovery -- Apply all archived log and Online redologfiles
2.Incomplete Recovery
1.Complete Recovery will done when we have
present control file
Archived redolog files
redolog files
-->Complete recovery can be done in 2 ways
Non system datafile
System Datafile
Undo datafile
2. Incomplete recovery can be done
Until cancel -- Apply all archived logfiles generated
Until time -- Apply all archived redolog generated Until Time
Until SCN -- Applu all archived redolog generated until SCN
After performing Incomplete Option recovery we have to open database in resetlogs
open resetlog Option (SCN reset to 1)
commands :
To check the database is in archive log mode
sys>>archive log list;
sys>>select log_mode from v$database
To check the path of CRD files
sys>> select name from v$controlfile;
sys>> select name from v$datafile;
sys>> select member from v$logfile;
<============================>Loss of CRD file <=========================>
Steps to recovery when loss of CRD files:
Backup :
Take backup of CRD Files
$ mkdir Cold
$ cp * Cold/
sqlplus / as sysdba
sys>> conn u1/u1
sys>> insert records into table and commit;
sys>> alter system switch logfile
sys>> shutdown immediate
Restore the privious CRD file into
$ cd cold
$cp * ../
Recover will be done in mount state
sqlplus / as sysdba
sys>> startup mount;
sys>> alter database recover automatic using backup controlfile until cancel;
sys>> recover cancel;
sys>> alter database resetlogs;
>>desc v$logfile;
>>desc v$database_incardination
>>select incardination#,resetlogs_id from v$database_incardination;
<==========================>Loss Of Control Files<=========================>
For recovery need privious CRD files backup
Previous backup should contains contains CRD files
Note :
If there is no previous Backup we cannot perform recovery
sqlplus / as sysdba
sys>> shut immediate;
Recovery steps :
sqlplus / as sysdba
sys>> startup;
sys>> insert records into the table
sys>> shutdown abort
Restore the previous control file backup
Recovery will done in mount state
sqlplus / as sysdba
sys>>startup mount
sys>> alter database recover automatic using backup controlfile until cancel;
sys>> recover cancel;
sys>> alter database open resetlogs;
<=======================> Loss of System Datafiles :<=========================>
For recovery need previous system data files to recovery
Note :
If there is no privious backup of system datafiles we cannot perform the recovery
sqlplus / as sysdba
sys>> shutdown abort;
$ ps -eaf |grep -i smon
$kill -9 10250
Restore the previous systems files
$cp * .dbf ../
sqlplus / as sysdba
sys>> startup mount;
sys>> recover database
sys>> alter database open;
<=========================>Loss of Undo Datafile<==========================>
For recovery need previous CRD files backup
Previous backup contains CRD files
sqlplus / as sysdba
sys>> shutdown immediate
Restore the undo datafile
$ cp Undo.dbf ../
sqlplus / sysdba
sys>> startup mount
sys>> alter database datafile 3 offline;
sys>> alter database recover automatic datafile 3;
sys>> alter database datafile 3 online;
sys>> alter database open;
<=======================>Loss of Non System Datafile<========================>
For recovery need previous CRD files backup
Previous backup contains CRD files
sqlplus / as sysdba
sys>>shut immediate
Restore the non system datafile
$ cp * non system datafile
sqlplus / as sysdba
sys>> startup mount;
sys>> alter database datafile 4 offline;
sys>> alter database recover automatic datafile '/disk1/oradata/ORCL/undo.dbf';
sys>> alter database datafile 4 online;
sys>> alter database open;
<======================> Demo Unbackedup Datafile <========================>
sys>>create tablespace demo datafile '/disk1/oradata/ORCL/demo.dbf';
sys>> grant connect,resource to demo identified by demo;
sys>> alter user demo default tablespace demo;
sys>> select username,default_tablespace from dba_users;
Conn demo/demo
create table and insert some records
demo>> conn / as sysdba
sys>> alter system switch logfile;
Delete datafile
conn demo/demo
demo>> inset records into table
Error will get and note datafile id
conn / as sysdba
sys>> alter database datafile 6 offline;
sys>> alter database create 6;
sys>> alter database datafile online;
sys>> alter database open;
<=========================>Loss of Redolog Files <=========================>
For recovery need privious CRD files backup
Privious backup contains CRD files
sqlplus / sysdba
sys>> conn demo/demo
insert some records
sys>>conn / sysdba
sys>> alter system switch logfile;
sys>> conn demo/demo
sys>> insert some records into table
Delete all redolog files
$ ps -eaf |grep -i smon
$kill -9 10250
Copy the datafile and control file from previous backup
$cp *.dbf ../
$cp control.ctl ../
sqlplus / as sysdba
sys>>startup mount;
sys>> alter database recover automatic using backup controlfile until cancel;
sys>> recover cancel
sys>> alter database open resetlogs;