Datapump (expdp and impdp) :
-->Introduced in oracle 10g
expdp help=y
impdp help=y
Advantages in Expdp and Impdp :
1. Time Consuming Process
2. Dumpfiles will not over written
3. dumpfiles are in universal location
4. can assaign a job name
5. can stop and ongoing export operation
6. can estimate the size of dumpfile.
To create the directory Pump in db level and o/s level
Db level :
sys>> create directory dpump as /disk1/oradata/ORCL/dpump
To drop the directory Pump
sys>> drop directory dpump
O/S Level:
$mkdir -p /disk1/oradata/ORCL/dpump
Master Process :
$mkdir -p /disk1/oradata/ORCL/dpump
Master Process :
-Name of the process(DMmn)
-For a particular job only one master process will be there
Work process:
-4 work process will be invoke in export process
PARALLEL Change the number of active workers for current job.
Theory :
--During datapump operation a table called master table will be create to track of dp operation
--This master table is created in the schema of the user running the import/export operation
--this table is created by process called master process based on Job name
--Only one master process runs per Job
--Once the Job has finished it dumps a table content into dump files and delete the tables
--there is another process called worker process (DWnn)
This is the process that actually performs the work. we can have number of worket process is running in same Job
Commands :
expdp dumpfile=full.dmp logfile=full.log full=y directory=dpump
:/ as sysdba
To Override the Dump file in the location :
REUSE_DUMPFILES -- Overwrite destination dump file if it exists [y].
expdp dumpfile=full.dmp logfile=full.log full=y directory=dpump reuse_dmpfiles=y
To estimate the size of the dump
ESTIMATE_ONLY -- Calculate job estimates without performing the export.
expdp dumpfile=full.dmp logfile=full.log full=y directory=dpump estimate_only=y
To assign the job name of the export operation :
JOB_NAME -- Name of export job to create.
expdp dumpfile=full.dmp logfile=full.log full=y directory=dpump job_name=y
To Stop the Job
export>Stop_job=immediate (STOP_JOB Orderly shutdown of job execution and exits the client.)
--This master table is created in the schema of the user running the import/export operation
--this table is created by process called master process based on Job name
--Only one master process runs per Job
--Once the Job has finished it dumps a table content into dump files and delete the tables
--there is another process called worker process (DWnn)
This is the process that actually performs the work. we can have number of worket process is running in same Job
Commands :
expdp dumpfile=full.dmp logfile=full.log full=y directory=dpump
:/ as sysdba
To Override the Dump file in the location :
REUSE_DUMPFILES -- Overwrite destination dump file if it exists [y].
expdp dumpfile=full.dmp logfile=full.log full=y directory=dpump reuse_dmpfiles=y
To estimate the size of the dump
ESTIMATE_ONLY -- Calculate job estimates without performing the export.
expdp dumpfile=full.dmp logfile=full.log full=y directory=dpump estimate_only=y
To assign the job name of the export operation :
JOB_NAME -- Name of export job to create.
expdp dumpfile=full.dmp logfile=full.log full=y directory=dpump job_name=y
To Stop the Job
export>Stop_job=immediate (STOP_JOB Orderly shutdown of job execution and exits the client.)
Valid keyword values are: IMMEDIATE.
Are you sure you wish to stop this job ([yes]/no): yes
To resume the privious export Job
$expdp attach=full
To see the master table name
export>> continue_client
Check the status of job name with the below command :
sys>> select table_name from dba_tables where table_name=<jobname>
Different types of imp and exp
1.Full DB Backup
2.Table Spaces Backup
3.Users level Backup
4.Tables Backup
5.Query's Backup
expdp help=y gives the all parameters related to export
impdp help=y gives the all parameters related to import
1.Full DB Backup :
Export Syntax :
expdp dumpfile=full.dmp logfile=full.log full=y directory=dpump
: / as sysdba
Import Syntax
impdp dumpfile=full.dmp logfile=full.log full=y directory=dpump
: / as sysdba
2.Table Spaces Backup
Export Syntax :
expdp dumpfile=ts.dmp logfile=ts.log tablespaces=<table spacename> directory=dpump
: / as sysdba
Import Syntax :
impdump file=ts.dmp logfile=ts.log full=y directory=dpump
: / as sysdba
3.Users level Backup
Export Syntax :
expdp dumpfile=usr.dmp logfile=usr.log schemas=<user name> directory=dpump
: owner username/password
Import Syntax :
impdp dumpfile=usr.dmp logfile=usr.log remap_schema=<export username>:<import username> directory=dpump
: owner username/password
4.Tables Backup
Export Syntax :
expdp dumpfile=table.dmp logfile=table.log tables=username.tablename1,username.tablename2 directory=dpump
: owner username/password
Import Syntax :
impdp dumpfile=table.dmp logfile=table.log remap_schema=<export username>:<import username> directory=dpump
: owner username/password
5.Query's Backup
Export Syntax :
expdp dumpfile=query.dmp logfile=query.log tables=username.<tablename> query=\'where deptno=30\' directory=dpump
: owner username/password
Import Syntax :
impdp dumpfile=query.dmp logfile=query.log tables=username.<tablename> remap_schema=<export username>:<import username> directory=dpump
: owner username/password
5.Query's Backup
Export Syntax :
expdp dumpfile=query.dmp logfile=query.log tables=username.<tablename> query=\'where deptno=30\' directory=dpump
: owner username/password
Import Syntax :
impdp dumpfile=query.dmp logfile=query.log tables=username.<tablename> remap_schema=<export username>:<import username> directory=dpump
: owner username/password
Draw backs:
1. we cannot perform the incremental backups
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