Backup's :
There are two types of backup's
1.Logical backup
1.Exp & Imp
2.Expdb & Impdb ( Datapump)
2.Physical Backup
1.Cold Backup
2.Hot Backup
1.Logical backup
1.Exp & Imp
Different types of Imp and Exp:
1.Full DB Backup
2.Table Spaces Backup
3.Users level Backup
4.Tables Backup
5.Query's Backup
exp help=y gives the all parameters related to export
imp help=y gives the all parameters related to import
1.Full DB Backup :
Export Syntax :
exp file=full.dmp log=full.log full=y
: / as sysdba
Import Syntax
imp file=full.dmp log=full.log full=y
: / as sysdba
2.Table Spaces Backup
Export Syntax :
exp file=ts.dmp log=ts.log tablespaces=<table spacename>
: / as sysdba
Import Syntax :
imp file=ts.dmp log=ts.log full=y
: / as sysdba
3.Users level Backup
Export Syntax :
exp file=usr.dmp log=usr.log owner=<user name>
: owner username/password
Import Syntax :
imp file=usr.dmp log=usr.log fromuser=<export username> touser=<import username>
: owner username/password
4.Tables Backup
Export Syntax :
exp file=table.dmp log=table.log tables=username.tablename1,username.tablename2
: owner username/password
Import Syntax :
imp file=table.dmp log=table.log fromuser=<export username> touser=<import username>
: owner username/password
5.Query's Backup :
Export Syntax :
exp file query.dmp log=query.log tables=username.<tablename> query=\'where deptno=30\'
: owner username/password
Import Syntax :
imp file=query.dmp log=query.log tables=username.<tablename> fromuser=<export username> touser=<import username> ignore=y
: owner username/password
Incrementals Backup :
There are 3 types of Incremental Backups
Complete Backup :
exp file=comp.dmp log=comp.log inctype=complete
Incremental Backup:
exp file=comp.dmp log=comp.log inctype=incremental
Cumulative :
exp file=comp.dmp log=comp.log inctype=cumulative
Drawbacks in Exp and Imp :
1. Time Consuming Process
2. Dumpfiles willbe over written
3. Dumpfiles are in scattered location
4. cannot assaign a job name
5. cannot stop and ongoing export operation
6. cannot estimate the size of dumpfile.
Incremental Backup:
exp file=comp.dmp log=comp.log inctype=incremental
Cumulative :
exp file=comp.dmp log=comp.log inctype=cumulative
Drawbacks in Exp and Imp :
1. Time Consuming Process
2. Dumpfiles willbe over written
3. Dumpfiles are in scattered location
4. cannot assaign a job name
5. cannot stop and ongoing export operation
6. cannot estimate the size of dumpfile.
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