2.Not Null
4.primary key
5.foreign key
Table level : Constraints are set of rules or bussiness rules enforced on data to restrict the users in order to insert
duplicates and null values.
1.Unique constraints;
If we impose a unique constraints on a column it wont allow duplicates but it will allow null values.
2. Not null constraints :
If we impose a Not Null constraints on a column it wont null values but it will allow Duplicates.
3. Check Constraints:
If we impose a Check constraints on a column it will check the value at the time of insertion.
4 Primary key :
It is a combination of unique constraint and Not null Constraint. If we impose a primary key it wont allow the Duplicates and Not null values
**Each table should have only one primary key, On which column we impose the primary key that column should not consist the duplicates and null values.
5.Foreign Key: It is refered as ------------------key,
if we impose a foreign key constraint on a column or table that column or table refered as another table.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Imposing the constraints while creating the table
Syntax for table level Constraints
In table level we cannot impose the not null constraint
create table <table name>(column1 datatype(size),column2 datatype(size),constrainttype(column1),constrainttype(column2);
select username,account_status from dba_users;
create table biomorf(sno number(10),name char(20),department varchar2(10),salary number(10),
unique(sno),primary key(salary));
insert into biomorf values(&sno,'&name','&department',&salary);
create table ramu1(sno number(8),name varchar(10), salary number(10),primary key(sno),unique(name));
select * from user_constraints; ---- data dictionary table for constraints
select * from user_cons_columns; ---- data dictionary table for constraints with columnname
to create a table whith constraint name
In table level we cannot impose the not null constraint
create table <tablename>(column1 datatype(size),column2 datatype(size)...,constraint <constraint name> constrainttype(column name);
select * from tab;
CREATE table infronics(sno number(10),name char(10),mobile number(10),constraint p_k primary key(sno),constraint u_k unique(name));
select * from user_constraints; ---- data dictionary table for constraints
select * from user_cons_columns; ---- data dictionary table for constraints with columnname
Imposing the constraints to columns while creating the table
Syntax for Column level Constraints
Only in column level we can impose the not null constraint
create table <table name>(column1 datatype(size) constraint_type,
column2 datatype(size) constraint_type,.....);
manual imposing constraint name:
create table <table name>(column1 datatype(size) constraint Constraint_name constraint_type,
column2 datatype(size)constraint Constraint_name constraint_type,.....);
select * from tab;
create table info2(sno number(2) unique,name char(10) primary key,salary number(10) not null);
create table info31(sno number(2) constraint l_1 unique,
name char(10) constraint l_b primary key,
salary number(10)constraint l_c not null);
select * from user_constraints; ---- data dictionary table for constraints
select * from user_cons_columns; ---- data dictionary table for constraints with columnname
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Imposing the constraints for existing columns
NOT Null Constraint: only for not null constraint will use the modify
>Alter table <table name> modify <column name> constraint <constraint name> <constraint type> ;
alter table biomorf1 modify sno constraint l_l not null;
drop the constraint for particular column:
alter table <table name>drop constraint <constraint name>
alter table biomorf1 drop constraint p_p;
Unique constraint :
syntax :
>Alter table <table name>add constraint <constraint name> <constraint type>
Eg:alter table biomorf add constraint p_p unique(name);
drop the constraint for particular column:
alter table <table name>drop constraint <constraint name>
alter table biomorf1 drop constraint p_p;
check constraint:
>Alter table <table name> add constraint <constraint name> <constraint type>
>Alter table test add constraints c_k1 check(salary>800>
primary key and foreign key constraints;
Primary key :
alter table <table name> add constraint <constraint name> constraint type(column name)
alter table biomorf add constraint p_k primary key(SALARY);
Foreign Key :
alter table <table name> add constraint <constraint name> constraint type(column name) references tablename<column name);
alter table infronics add constraint f_k foreign key(salary) references biomorf(salary);
While inserting the data the child table will depends on the parent table
while deleting the data in parents table it will depends on the child table data
Drop constraints :
alter drop <tablename> drop constraint <constraint name>;
alter table biomorf drop constraint p_k;
alter table infronics drop constraint f_k;
Rename constraints :
Syntax :
alter table <table name> rename constraint <old constraint name > to < new constraint name>;
alter table biomorf rename constraint p_k to f_k;
ON Delete Cascade :
If we are imposing the foreign key with option on delete cascade . if we delete a record from the parent table , automatically all the rows will delete from
the child table related to that record
syntax :
alter table <table name> add constraint <constraint name> <table name(column name) on delete cascade;
Eg :
alter table infronics add constraint f_k foreign key(salary) references biomorf(salary) on delete cascade;
ON delete Set Null :
If we are imposing the foreign key with option on delete set null . if we delete a record from the parent table , records from the child table on which ever column we impose a foreign key on that column automatically null will set
alter table <table name> add constraint <constraint name> <table name(column name) on delete set null;
alter table infronics add constraint f_k foreign key(salary) references biomorf(salary) on delete set null;
2.Not Null
4.primary key
5.foreign key
Table level : Constraints are set of rules or bussiness rules enforced on data to restrict the users in order to insert
duplicates and null values.
1.Unique constraints;
If we impose a unique constraints on a column it wont allow duplicates but it will allow null values.
2. Not null constraints :
If we impose a Not Null constraints on a column it wont null values but it will allow Duplicates.
3. Check Constraints:
If we impose a Check constraints on a column it will check the value at the time of insertion.
4 Primary key :
It is a combination of unique constraint and Not null Constraint. If we impose a primary key it wont allow the Duplicates and Not null values
**Each table should have only one primary key, On which column we impose the primary key that column should not consist the duplicates and null values.
5.Foreign Key: It is refered as ------------------key,
if we impose a foreign key constraint on a column or table that column or table refered as another table.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Imposing the constraints while creating the table
Syntax for table level Constraints
In table level we cannot impose the not null constraint
create table <table name>(column1 datatype(size),column2 datatype(size),constrainttype(column1),constrainttype(column2);
select username,account_status from dba_users;
create table biomorf(sno number(10),name char(20),department varchar2(10),salary number(10),
unique(sno),primary key(salary));
insert into biomorf values(&sno,'&name','&department',&salary);
create table ramu1(sno number(8),name varchar(10), salary number(10),primary key(sno),unique(name));
select * from user_constraints; ---- data dictionary table for constraints
select * from user_cons_columns; ---- data dictionary table for constraints with columnname
to create a table whith constraint name
In table level we cannot impose the not null constraint
create table <tablename>(column1 datatype(size),column2 datatype(size)...,constraint <constraint name> constrainttype(column name);
select * from tab;
CREATE table infronics(sno number(10),name char(10),mobile number(10),constraint p_k primary key(sno),constraint u_k unique(name));
select * from user_constraints; ---- data dictionary table for constraints
select * from user_cons_columns; ---- data dictionary table for constraints with columnname
Imposing the constraints to columns while creating the table
Syntax for Column level Constraints
Only in column level we can impose the not null constraint
create table <table name>(column1 datatype(size) constraint_type,
column2 datatype(size) constraint_type,.....);
manual imposing constraint name:
create table <table name>(column1 datatype(size) constraint Constraint_name constraint_type,
column2 datatype(size)constraint Constraint_name constraint_type,.....);
select * from tab;
create table info2(sno number(2) unique,name char(10) primary key,salary number(10) not null);
create table info31(sno number(2) constraint l_1 unique,
name char(10) constraint l_b primary key,
salary number(10)constraint l_c not null);
select * from user_constraints; ---- data dictionary table for constraints
select * from user_cons_columns; ---- data dictionary table for constraints with columnname
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Imposing the constraints for existing columns
NOT Null Constraint: only for not null constraint will use the modify
>Alter table <table name> modify <column name> constraint <constraint name> <constraint type> ;
alter table biomorf1 modify sno constraint l_l not null;
drop the constraint for particular column:
alter table <table name>drop constraint <constraint name>
alter table biomorf1 drop constraint p_p;
Unique constraint :
syntax :
>Alter table <table name>add constraint <constraint name> <constraint type>
Eg:alter table biomorf add constraint p_p unique(name);
drop the constraint for particular column:
alter table <table name>drop constraint <constraint name>
alter table biomorf1 drop constraint p_p;
check constraint:
>Alter table <table name> add constraint <constraint name> <constraint type>
>Alter table test add constraints c_k1 check(salary>800>
primary key and foreign key constraints;
Primary key :
alter table <table name> add constraint <constraint name> constraint type(column name)
alter table biomorf add constraint p_k primary key(SALARY);
Foreign Key :
alter table <table name> add constraint <constraint name> constraint type(column name) references tablename<column name);
alter table infronics add constraint f_k foreign key(salary) references biomorf(salary);
While inserting the data the child table will depends on the parent table
while deleting the data in parents table it will depends on the child table data
Drop constraints :
alter drop <tablename> drop constraint <constraint name>;
alter table biomorf drop constraint p_k;
alter table infronics drop constraint f_k;
Rename constraints :
Syntax :
alter table <table name> rename constraint <old constraint name > to < new constraint name>;
alter table biomorf rename constraint p_k to f_k;
ON Delete Cascade :
If we are imposing the foreign key with option on delete cascade . if we delete a record from the parent table , automatically all the rows will delete from
the child table related to that record
syntax :
alter table <table name> add constraint <constraint name> <table name(column name) on delete cascade;
Eg :
alter table infronics add constraint f_k foreign key(salary) references biomorf(salary) on delete cascade;
ON delete Set Null :
If we are imposing the foreign key with option on delete set null . if we delete a record from the parent table , records from the child table on which ever column we impose a foreign key on that column automatically null will set
alter table <table name> add constraint <constraint name> <table name(column name) on delete set null;
alter table infronics add constraint f_k foreign key(salary) references biomorf(salary) on delete set null;